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Week in Paradise

Well, we made it to Deale, MD for our relaxing week on the Chesapeake Bay. We ran into a bit of unwelcome traffic on the way that turned a 7 - 8 hr trip into a 10 hr trip but we made it safe and sound if not totally sane. After waking up @ 2:30 this AM I am a little tired but who cares?!? I'm on the bay with nothing to do bu relax. I've got a Sam Adams and my Kindle. Mommy and Daughter are napping. I think I'll go read a book. Ahhhhhhh.
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Remember the Milk & GTD

I'm thinking about expanding my use of RTM in my never ending analysis of how to get things done. I'm thinking about getting a pro account but it is $25/year. Not that this is a lot of money but I want to make sure I will make good use of it. Anyone out there gone RTM PRO?
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