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WWDC Update

- iPhone 3.0
- cut,copy,paste
- MMS (AT&T support later this summer. Lots of crowd laughs for the delay)
- Spotlight
- iTunes (rent, purchase movies right from the phone)
- Tethering with your computer for Internet access
- Safari updates
- Find my iPhone (show it on a map and/or play tone to find) - as well as a remote wipe command to erase data.
- Pier to pier iPhone connection over blue tooth
- Turn by turn directions with Tom Tom using built in GPS. Mounts like a regular GPS.
- iPhone 3.0 June 17th
- New iPhone 3GS
- New camera in iPhone with autofocus (tap to focus)
- Camera now captures video too
- Voice control for iPhone (voice dialing)
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WWDC Update

New 15" Macbook Pro
- better battery
- Faster processor options
- SD card slot
- up to 8Gigs memory
- starting at $1699

Updating the 17" Macbook pros as well.
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