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Making Beer: The Third Stage

I was only going to do three stages but I didn't want to leave this picture out. This is the vial of my millions of minions that will work very hard over the next week to help make my beer. You probably already know that yeast is a living thing. Well, now that the wort is cooled and the whole batch is a decent temperature I will "pitch" the yeast. That is what simply pouring the yeast in is called. Pitching sounds cooler than pouring I guess. Over the next few days the yeast will begin to feed on the malt sugars that are in my brew. They will multiply and form a critical mass in the whole batch. The whole thing will bubble and froth. A pretty cool process. The byproduct of the yeast consuming the sugars is alcohol. And there you have it.
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Making Beer: The Second Stage

OK, the brew is done. Now I have a little less than 2 gallons of concentrated malt/hop brew call the "wort." I know, nice name right? That needs to be cooled as quickly as possible so you see it here in a bath of ice water. Once it reaches about room temperature I will pour it through a straining cloth into the bucket that you see in this picture. I will add some cold water until the mixture reaches 5 gallons. That's right, 5 gallons of beer. YUM! This bucket serves as the primary fermenter meaning that my concoction will sit sealed in this container for about a week to generate most of the alcohol. More on that later. Stay tuned.
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Making Beer: The First Stage

I'm finally taking the time to brew my recipe for High Sierra Porter. I thought I would take the time to take a couple of pictures so you can get a sense for what Homebrewing is all about. This is the actual brew on the stove. You can see the malt bag in the pot. After that comes the hops in a couple of different stages. The "on stove" time comes out to about an 1hr and 15 min. As I type the brew is boiling with the bittering hops for 35 minutes.
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