Life is slowly getting back to normal after the cruise. Yesterday was spent recovering from lack of sleep and unpacking. After a nice 12 hr rest last night we spent most of the day preparing for the upcoming work week. For me this includes sifting through hundreds of emails. One of the curses of taking a vacation.
As I type this right now we are trying to get our little one to get some sleep. Her poor little internal clock is still on west coast time and is having a hard time adjusting.
It is all worth it though. I mean check out the attached picture for the gorgeous views we had.
Back to life without the buffet I guess. :)
Mobile post sent by JDCartee using Utterz. As I type this right now we are trying to get our little one to get some sleep. Her poor little internal clock is still on west coast time and is having a hard time adjusting.
It is all worth it though. I mean check out the attached picture for the gorgeous views we had.
Back to life without the buffet I guess. :)